Monday, May 30, 2016

Where Did May Go

Hey family, just a quick update on life here in Tuxpan the city of rabbits with mostly just photos. My companion and I are literally dying of sweat and skin cancer, its like a sauna up in here with the humidity.  But happily I've lost more than 6 kilos in the last 2 weeks and I wear a sombrero. $$$ #alwayspositive

Any ways this week my companion and I went to work and it has been the most humbling week of my mission and lead to a couple days of fasting and the Spirit has been with us.  We wanted to find another big family like the Hernandez family we had baptized a few weeks back.  Well the Lord answered our many prayers and we found the Fonseca family and as of right now they look like they are golden.  It took a ton of effort and a lot of help from the Spirit but they all went to church the first time this Sunday and loved it! Families are the best.

So any ways last week we had some rat issues in our house and at last we captured, killed and ate (lol jk) one. I took videos that I will share upon return from my long journeys.

Well that's about it here from Mexico land of the beans and tortillas. Oh also my companion is super awesome I like him a lot and his birthday is tomorrow. I'll tell him happy birthday for you guys don't worry. Hahaha and speaking of birthdays.... there is someone really special I know who's birthday is coming up.... Elder Brendan Stuart serving in Argentina.  Happy birthday man!

Now I think that's about it I just want you all to know that I love being a missionary and even though its super hard I can't imagine being anywhere else in the world.  I love this gospel.  I love the people here in Mexico and most of all I love my Savior. This is His church, Thomas S. Monson is His prophet! Love you all, take care!

P.S. lololol Paul don't think I forgot about your birthday too. hahahahaha I love you man! 18 years old! That's crazy I feel like you just turned 16... I'm so proud of you eat an extra piece of cake for me and enjoy being a youngin while you can! There's this baby in my ward who looks exactly like you and it makes me laugh because we always say you're Mexican.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Inspiration From On High

This week was a week of conferences and council from General Authorities of the church including from the quorum of the 70. (Luke 10:1) It was an incredible experience filled with a lot of traveling! The member of the seventy who came to visit the mission was Elder Falabella. He gave us many helpful pointers about how to be better missionaries and left us impacted with gratitude for our Saviors saving Atonement for us!
Just one of the things that stuck out was a topic I had actually been studying just before the conference about grace. Elder Falabella exclaimed to us that we are not here on Earth to try and earn heaven!  It is literally impossible for us to return to God's presence on our own efforts but through the grace of the Savior we can.  His saving sacrifice broke the bands of death allowing us to live again after our physical death and He paid the price for all of our sins, giving the opportunity to overcome the spiritual death as well if we apply His gospel to our lives.  Christ has already done everything for us! Nothing is accomplished on our merits! His grace is sufficient for all of us! Our purpose right now is to learn change day by day as to learn how to live in heaven for HEAVEN WILL NOT BE HEAVEN FOR THOSE WHO AREN'T HEAVENLY.  If a day goes by where we haven't in some way become like our Savior its a day we've lost and squandered. For in that last day when we will have a complete remembrance and be judged for all of our actions thoughts and desires, and we will look upon His glory and ours and we will be overjoyed to be in His presence or ashamed would be glad if we could "command the rocks and mountains to fall upon us to hide us from his presence" (Alma 12:14)  I am eternally grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ and the change it has brought into my life. He is the way and the life and the light for all of humanity and I will praise His name forever and ever!

Along with those conferences my companion and I were able to finally baptize the Hernandez family that we have had in teaching for the last 3 months and it was an amazing service, the spirit was so strong and I've never seen that family so happy!! I love this family so much and to finally see this day brought so much joy to my life!

Also transfers are this week and I have to say goodbye to my good friend Elder Bravo who has been by my side for 5 months and its been one heck of a journey of ups and downs. He's leaving to Poza Rica and I'm staying here for one more transfer and I'll be training a new zone leader named Elder Villella.  Don't know much about him but should be a solid next couple of 6 weeks. Anyways!
Family the church is true! Christ lives and guides this church! Love you all take care!